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Valu Joins BN Waterkeeper at the Spring Shoreline Sweep

Valu volunteers at the Spring Shoreline Sweep!

Each Spring, Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper hosts a "Spring Shoreline Sweep" where volunteers from all over the area set out to pick up litter along our waterfronts.

Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper® protects and restores our water and surrounding ecosystems for the benefit of current and future generations. We protect clean water. We restore the health of ecosystems. We connect people to water. We inspire economic growth and community engagement.

This time around, 2,100 volunteers participated, and together removed 19 tons of litter at over 50 sites in and around Buffalo. That's a 3 ton jump from last year!

The Valu Crew met at Hoyt Lake in Delaware Park to donate their time and energy to a great cause - protecting our water! 

Cleanup crew along shoreline
Cleanup crew along shoreline
Cleanup crew along shoreline

BN Waterkeeper hosts events like this every month. 

Visit or to learn more about volunteering in your area!