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Our Story

This excerpt is from the Centennial History of Coshocton County. By William J. Bahmer, Clarke, S.J., Publishing Co., Chicago, pub, S.J. Clarke Publishing Company 1909

John Quincy Adams is a partner in the Coshocton Lumber Company, a successful commercial enterprise of the city. He was born in Keene township, this county, his parents being E. W. and Olivia (Gleason) Adams, now residents of Coshocton. His father was reared a farmer but later became interested in the lumber business as a member of the firm of Adams & Gleason a Roscoe and is now a director of the People's Banking & Trust Company and is connected with other business enterprises of Coshocton.

In the public schools of Keene and also in the Keene select school John Q. Adams pursued his education to the age of twelve years, when he removed with his parents to Coshocton and later became a high school student, completing the course by graduation with the class of 1891. He spent two years in acquiring a more specifically literary education in the Ohio Wesleyan College at Delaware and then made his initial step in the business world at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, as an employee of a house dealing in builders supplies, it being his intention to thoroughly acquaint himself with the business in every particular. He spent four years there and his close application and energy won him successive promotions until he finally became assistant manager of the wholesale builders supply yard.

Thus with thorough understanding of the trade he returned to Coshocton in 1898 and with his two brothers organized the Coshocton Lumber Company. This concern is the largest of the kind in the city, handling a full line of builders supplies, including lumber. They have complete facilities for carrying on the business and their trade has enjoyed a remarkable growth.

They deal exclusively in lumber and building materials, and have a large storage capacity, insuring always a large supply on hand to promptly fill all orders of whatever magnitude. The office and yards are located alongside of the Wheeling & Lake Erie tracks, where they are sure of quick shipping services. They make a specialty of large orders and are always prepared to offer an inducement to lumber buyers in general.

This truth is fully demonstrated by the fact that today it ranks as one of the largest lumber companies in the eastern part of Ohio in any city the size of Coshocton. Their methods of doing business are such as to win the confidence of the most skeptical and the proprietors are all young men of rare business ability and the highest standing and integrity.

In his political affiliations John Q. Adams is a republican, strong in support of the party. He has attained the Knight Templar degree in Masonry, belongs to the Elks lodge, and is a member of the Beta Theta Pi. His thorough preparation for a business career proved an excellent foundation upon which to build his success, and along legitimate lines and through successive stages of development he has built up an enterprise which is now a leading commercial concern of the city.