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Where it all began

City Lumber started in 1904 as City Lumber and Box Company by Astoria Box Co., Clatsop Mill Co. and Tongue Point Lumber Co. as a way of selling and distributing lumber and boxes to Astoria's fishing industry. Later the company was called City Lumber and Coal, and until 1956 City Lumber and Supply. Since 1956 we've been incorporated as City Lumber Company.

Vintage Photos

City Lumber & Box Company

City Lumber & Box Company 1907
A post card from featuring a water wagon in front of the original location.

Post Card

City Lumber & Box Company 1907
The same post card addressed to someone in San Francisco.

City Lumber & Box Company 1907

City Lumber & Box Company 1907
This is the location of the post card's recipient's home in San Francisco from 2008 and 2014.

City Lumber & Supply Co.

City Lumber 1935
A picture of the City Lumber crew in front of the main store location on the docks between 9th and 10th street over the Columbia River.

City Lumber Trucks

City Lumber Trucks Early 1930s
Fageol and Ford Model AA trucks on the docks in front of the store.

City Lumber Coal

City Lumber Coal Photograph
A picture showing the City Lumber coal facility on the docks between 9th and 10th.

21st & Commercial Yard

21st & Commercial Yard
You can see the old building, originally built near John Warren Field (Gyro Field) the high school football field. The building was floated over to our current location across Scow Bay. The ramp down to the yard was a board ramp. You can also see the old freight elevator coming out of the roof at the back of the building.

Truckload of Cedar Shingles

Truckload of Cedar Shingles
Here's Mr. Brownlee in front of a truckload of cedar shingles. The shed behind him is our current plywood shed but at the back of the yard. At some time the plywood shed was moved to the front of our property next to the ramp. Our current ramp into the yard is paved, but you can see in this picture the ramp is wood.

Paint Department 1930s

Paint Department 1930s
Here's a sharp looking picture of the inside of the store of the 1930's paint department. The light fixtures are stored upstairs in the attic--we're trying to figure out where to use them in the store. Special bonus points to anyone who can tell us where in the store this picture was taken.

Front of the store early 1950s

Front of the store early 1950s
Here's a picture of the front of the store in the 1950's. The truck belongs to local contractor Albert Mittet.

Front of the store early 1960s

Front of the store early 1960s
Here's a picture of the front of the store in the 1960s.